The final installment of #Crypto-Week for right now features my interview with Brian Sovryn, host of the Sovryn Tech podcast. We began with an update on Steemit, got deep into his Dark Android Project, I got his thoughts on CryptoNote crypto-currencies and BipCoin/DotBip, we discussed the future of the Blockchain technology, and answered a question from a listener.

The moral of the story: encrypt your shit, and buy your friends/family Bitcoin for Christmas!

Find the show on iTunes, Stitcher, Tunein Radio, and Google Play (or click here for other ways) and use the buttons on the sidebar to contribute to LUA!

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Show Notes:

Crypto-Week, Part 1: An Introduction to Crypto-Currencies and Encryption

Crypto-Week, Part 2: BipCoin with Michael W. Dean

Crypto-Week, Part 2.1: Dot-Bip with Michael W. Dean

Sovryn Tech

Dark Android

“Anonymous and Encrypted Phones: Is It Possible?” [My Article]

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